"Start to speak Russian in no time!" – Russian for beginners: try a new hobby and benefit from every meeting. First, you will learn the alphabet very quickly as well as basic phrases for introducing yourself and greetings. With every step, you'll expand your vocabulary rapidly: begin to speak about professions, ask people what they do, tell time, make appointments, count, talk about your family, travelling and countries, holidays and events. You will be able to ask directions in the city and understand an explanation, order food, buy tickets, book accommodation and lots more. Reaching real progress in a small group step by step is a fascinating and useful way to spend your evenings, meet people from all over the world, and stay really motivated in further development and visiting Russia.
"Survival Russian for travellers" – Russian language classes for elementary (A1) level: gain grammar and speaking skills to be able to explain yourself with natives while travelling. You will learn how to talk about planning a vacation and booking tickets, communicate at a hotel and order food at a restaurant, use the public transport and go to a mall, ask for any help when exploring the city or looking for a tourist attraction, buying souvenirs or browsing a clothes store. There will be many cultural immersion meetings, and during the project preparation you'll describe your family tree, write postcards, make a list of goods to go shopping, and create a tour plan for your friends. The project part helps to practically implement all your new knowledge into everyday life involving all skills you'll need while exploring the country.
"Speak Russian confidently" – Russian language lessons for basic (A2) level: become an expert in grammar and gain much speaking practice to be able to express yourself with confidence. You will significantly boost your lexical resources and improve communication skills as well as pronunciation in order to be able to explain yourself and understand fast speech of natives in various everyday situations. You will be able to read even a complicated menu at a restaurant, understand the detailed description of a recipe, explain that you need a different clothing size or a specific model, describe your health problems and symptoms to the doctor. Take practical steps towards sharing your opinion on diverse topics, such as living in a city or the countryside, ecological problems, trips, hobbies, children, etc. As for grammar, you will gain confidence in using cases, conjugations, prepositions, comparatives and superlatives, verb aspects and verbs of movement correctly in your speech.
"Speak Russian fluently" – Russian lessons for 1st certificate (B1) level: just perfect for you if you understand almost everything which is said or written to you, if you're confident in your grammar skills and can easily write, but don't have much speaking practice. In a fun and joyful way, you'll actively participate in discussions on lots of diversified topics: modern problems, lifestyles and mindsets, culture differences and similarities, etc. The syllabus is all about communication. You will definitely improve understanding of the grammar rules and enrich your handful of words and expressions, mostly with the home assignments, such as videos, listening comprehensions, apps and games, articles, but during the live classes, you'll mostly talk, share opinions and boost your speaking skills, pronunciation and understanding of fluent natives' speech.