
Published: 05.07.2021
Interactive learning materials from Enjoy Russian

This week we teach you two important things – 10 polite Russian phrases and also tell about the education in Russia. These days students from Great Britain are learning Russian in Petrozavodsk with us and say that Russians are almost as polite as the British are. So when you plan the trip to the biggest country in the world make sure you know how to sound like a native or at least learn some phrases to impress the locals!

Want to sound more natural in Russian?

Then keep these 10 polite phrases somewhere close!

Спасибо (SPASIBA) – Thank you
Пожалуйста (POZHALUSTA) – Welcome / Please
Извините (IZVINITIE) / простите (PROSTITIE) – Excuse me / I'm sorry
Ничего (NICHEVO) – That's OK (That's NOTHING)
Будьте добры (BUD'TIE DOBRY) – Would you be so kind
Извините, можно (мне)…? (IZVINITIE, MOZHNA MNIE) – Excuse me, can (I) have…
Извините, вы мне не поможете? (IZVINITIE, VY MNIE NIE POMOZHETIE) – Excuse me, could you help me?
Не могли бы вы мне помочь / показать… / дать… / принести… (NIE MOGLI BY VY MNIE POMOCH / POKAZAT' / DAT' / PRINIESTI) – Could you help me / show me… / give me… / bring me…
Дайте, пожалуйста, … (DAITIE POZHALUSTA) – Give me, please
Покажите, пожалуйста, … (POKAZHITIE POZHALUSTA) – Show me, please
Here is the video for you to practice:
Australian schools vs. Russian schools

What do you know about the education system in Russia? Is it different from the Australian one? Of course, it is! In today's podcast, two guests represent two countries – Australia (Nick) and Russia (Elena). What are pupils' activities? What are the tuition fees? Listen to the episode to find out!

0:33 – Education systems in Australia differ from state to state
1:35 – Schools in Russia: the same location and the same class for 11 years
2:43 – How much to pay for education? Public and independent schools in Australia, Nick's experience
5:00 – Daily schedule: Australia vs. Russia
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