
Published: 05.07.2021
"Визнаскот". For what does it stand for and how can it simplify your life?

Today Anastasia Karausheva, Enjoy Russian School tutor, will share with you a secret and a brilliant technique on how to choose an appropriate preposition for different verbs of motion.

What is "визнаскот" and how can it help to learn Russian verbs of motion? Is it a spell? Or just a trick? Let's see!


Verbs of motions is quite a challenging topic for a foreigner who is trying to learn Russian, but what about prepositions that are used within this topic? If you are acquainted with Russian verbs of motion (all students adore this topic) you probably wondered when you should use the following prepositions: в, на, к, из, с, от.

First, let's figure out when we use prepositions в, на, and к. You should use в when you mean the building, country or city:

  1. Ты сегодня идёшь в бар? Are you going to the bar tonight?
  2. Студенты часто ходят в библиотеку. Students often go to the library.
  3. Эта девушка идёт в банк. This girl is going to the bank.
  4. Мои друзья никогда не ходят в спортзал. My friends never go to the gym.
  5. Её родители иногда ходят в ресторан. Her parents sometimes go to the restaurant.
  6. Люди ходят в ночной клуб, чтобы отдохнуть. People go to nightclubs to relax.
  7. На выходных я еду в Петрозаводск. I am going to Petrozavodsk this weekend.
  8. Мой друг едет в Китай. My friend is going to China.

As you can see, when you want to say that someone goes towards and inside, you should use the preposition в. But what if you want to say that you left this place? In this case, we usually say из, which has a meaning from, out.

  1. Я иду из бара домой. I am going home from the bar.
  2. Мы вышли из магазина. We left the store.
  3. Врач вышел из больницы. The doctor left the hospital.
  4. Ученики идут из школы. Schoolchildren are going from school.
  5. Моя подруга уехала из Франции. My friend left France.
  6. Студенты не хотят уезжать из Карелии. Students don't want to leave Karelia.
  7. Вы уже вышли из кино? Have you left the cinema?
  8. Помоги маме выйти из машины. Help the mother to get out of the car.


What about на? When do we use it in the sentence? The rule is pretty simple: you need it when you are talking about events, such as exhibitions, celebrations, parties, and even work!

  1. Пенсионеры не ходят на вечеринки.Retired people usually don't go to parties.
  2. Сегодня я иду на День Рождения к бабушке. Tonight I'm going to my granny's birthday.
  3. Куда можно сходить на выставку? Where can one go to the exhibition?
  4. Многие люди любят ходить на городские праздники. A lot of people like to attend town festivals.
  5. Давай поедем вместе на форум? Would you like to go to the forum together?
  6. Кто идет на мастер-класс сегодня? Who is going to the workshop today?
  7. Чтобы найти вкусные овощи, нужно идти на рынок. One should go to the market to find tasty vegetables.
    Speaking of work, the Russians have a special sarcastic phrase about it:
  8. [Хожу] на работу как на праздник! Every working day as a holiday!

It is logical to assume, that when you leave these kinds of places you say c:

  1. Когда я иду с работы, я всегда очень усталый. When I go back from work I am always very tired.
  2. — Ты откуда? — Я с конференции! — Where are you coming from? — From a conference!
  3. Если мы выйдем с выставки и вернёмся, нам нужно платить ещё раз? If we leave the exhibition and then come back, will we pay again?
  4. Когда вы приедете с экскурсии? When will you come back from the excursion?
  5. Когда дети пришли со спектакля, они были довольны. When children came back after the performance, they were satisfied.
  6. Ольга пришла с танцев и приготовила ужин. Olga came from the dances and cooked dinner.

Attention! Почта and Вокзал are an exception. Although a post office and a railway station are buildings, you should use the prepositions на-с.

  1. Завтра мне нужно забрать посылку с почты. Tomorrow I am going to pick up my package from the post office.
  2. Когда выйдешь с вокзала, поверни налево. Я буду ждать тебя там. When you leave the railway station, turn left. I will wait for you there.


Perhaps you remember some verbs of motion with particular prefixes that have a meaning of approaching, such as подойти/подходить, подъехать/подъезжать, подвезти/подвозить, подвести/подводить, подлететь/подлетать, подплыть/подплывать, подбежать/подбегать.

  1. Мы уже в самолёте, подлетаем к Москве. We are in the plane and coming up on Moscow.
  2. Пираты подплывают к острову. Pirates are coming up to the island.
  3. Я скоро подойду к метро. I will be near the subway shortly.
  4. Спортсмен подбегает к финишу. The sportsman is running to the finish line.
  5. Позвони мне, когда подъедешь к библиотеке. Call me when you are close to the library.
  6. Подвезите моего друга к университету. Give my friend a ride to the university.
  7. Подойди к своей девушке и скажи, что любишь её. Come to your girlfriend and say that you love her.
  8. Такси подъехало к дому и остановилось. A taxi pulled up to the house and stopped.

Some other prefixes used with the verbs of motion mean going away, for example, отойти/отходить, отъехать/отъезжать, отбежать/отбегать, отплыть/отплывать. As you can see, fewer verbs can be used with от.

  1. Когда бабушка ждёт внучку, она не отходит от окна. When the grandmother waits for her granddaughter, she is standing by the window.
  2. Отойдите от собаки, она кусается! Get away from the dog, it bites!
  3. Как только я отъезжаю от города, сигнал пропадает. As soon I go away from the city I never get the signal.
  4. Мы опоздали — последний поезд уже отъехал от платформы. We were late — the las train had left the platform.
  5. Паром отплывает от порта в 9. A ferry departs from the port at 9.
  6. Собака прыгнула в воду и отплыла от лодки. A dog jumped in the water and started swimming away from the boat.
  7. Мальчик отбежал далеко от дома и потерялся. A boy ran far away from home and got lost.
  8. Женщина отошла от кассы и положила продукты в пакет. A woman walked away from the cashier's and put food in the bag.

To tell you the truth, this mnemonic phrase "в-из на-с к-от" is not my idea. Once I had a Russian class in "Enjoy Russian school" with my students and one of them asked: "How do you know where to put these prepositions?" And then Italian student Celeste shared her trick with us, which she knows thanks to her Russian teacher. If you know more mnemonic phrases and words, please leave comments and make other students' lives easier!

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