Things in a bedroom – here are the most important words everyone must know It's always better to remember words
- with pictures
- structured by topic
In this post, you can combine both techniques to learn room vocabulary in Russian!
- КРОВАТЬ (kravat') – a bed
- ШКАФ (shkaf) – a wardrobe
- СТОЛ (stol) – a table
- СТУЛ (stul) – a chair
- ЛАМПА (lampa) – a lamp
- ТУМБОЧКА (tumbochka) – a bed-side table
- КАРТИНА (kartina) – a painting
- ЧАСЫ (chasi) – a watch
- КОВЁР (kavyor) – a carpet
- ШТОРА (shtora) – a curtain
- ПОДУШКА (padushka) – a pillow
Here are a few important things about these words
- Кровать is a feminine noun, so you say моЯ кровать, and not моЙ кровать.
- The word шкаф can mean a wardrobe, a cupboard, a closet, a bookcase.
- Be careful with стул and стол – they are so similar. Russian стул sounds pretty like English stool.
- Часы is a plural word, the watch is always plural in Russian.
- Finally, штора really rarely comes alone, usually, there are always two curtains – шторы.
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