

Published: 05.07.2021
Look at the Russian language from a different perspective!

Perhaps, everyone around you says that Russian is a horrible and complicated language, which contains a lot of cases, confusing verbs of motion, declension of numbers, but if you look at it from a different perspective you are going to see that there are advantages too. Here we are going to prove you wrong and show the perks of learning Russian!

What are the cons of the Russian language?

  • When you learn the alphabet, you will be able to pronounce all words correctly. As a rule, the Russians read words according to the written form of them. Moreover, most of the letters are quite similar to the Greek alphabet, where Latin takes its origin as well. We are sure that the following letters look familiar to you (and sound almost the same!): K, T, М, E, O, A. Letters Б [b], З [z], Г [g], П [p], Ф [f], Л [l], С[s], В [v] look a bit different, but you are already acquainted with their sounds. See? You already know half of the alphabet!
  • There is a case system in Russian. At first sight, it seems a little bit of a problem, but actually there is no strict word order in sentences, which makes Russian a very expressive language. You can change the word order and emphasize the necessary words. Here the object is shown by the ending: Обезьяна ест банан. Ест банан обезьяна. Обезьяна банан ест. Банан ест обезьяна. The monkey who is eating a banana is clearly the object here and you can change the word order freely.
  • Russian does not use any articles. Quite useful, isn't it?
  • You don't have to worry about the verb 'to be' in the present tense, you just omit it. Instead of saying she is kind, you say she kind — она добрая.
  • Russian has a lot of cognates with words from the English language and that is why it is easier to memorize them. Суп (soup), алкоголь (alcohol), центр (centre), лифт (lift), океан (ocean), театр (theatre), турист (tourist), экзамен (exam), акцент (accent) — these are just a few words from a huge list.
  • There are only three tenses in the Russian language: Past, Present, and Future. It means that there is no need for you to learn complicated grammar constructions, for instance, I am eating and I have been eating is all the same.
  • Making conditionals easily is great news too! You need to add the particle бы to the past tense of any aspect. If I had money, I would buy a car. Если бы у меня были деньги, я бы купил машину.
  • There is no need to learn special structures to form a question — you simply change the intonation of a statement and it works! Мама готовит завтрак. Мама готовит завтрак? As you can see, nothing changes, whereas in English it would be Mom is cooking breakfast. Is mom cooking breakfast?

  • To make nouns, verbs or adjectives negative, you should add не. Я иду в ресторан — Я не иду в ресторан. I am going to a restaurant — I am not going to a restaurant. It also concerns Past, Present and Future tenses, when in English we would form a negative according to the tense: don't, didn't, haven't been, etc.
  • Believe it or not, there are no dialects in Russia at all. There are some slight variations of pronunciation in different regions but you can be easily understood in all corners of our country, which you can not say about Italy or, let's say, India.

Do you feel relieved about the Russian language now? If yes, participate in our Russian courses in "Enjoy Russian" school and have classes with native speakers!
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Anastasia Karausheva

Joined the team in 2018. Graduated from Petrozavodsk State University, participated in RFL courses held by the school, worked as a school coordinator, and now enjoys classes with students at pre-intermediate and intermediate levels.
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