It's time to learn Russian. How to ask and answer about time. There are a lot of ways how to ask about time in the Russian language and a lot more options to answer this question, but now we are going to observe the most frequent ones!
How to ask questions about time Let's figure out how to ask questions about time first. These expressions are synonyms like classic English examples "what time is it?" and "what's the time?":
- Сколько времени?
- Который час?
However, if you want to be a well-bred person, it is necessary to add a couple of polite words.
- Скажите, пожалуйста, который час? Can you tell me, please, what's the time?
- Подскажите, пожалуйста, сколько времени? Tell me, please, what time is it?
The same time in many ways
Since the Russians use both 12-hour and 24-hour clock system, you can say the same time in many ways, for example:
Сейчас два часа, or
сейчас четырнадцать ноль-ноль. (Now it is 2 p.m., or 14:00).